

beach dreaming

I never intended to take most of last week "off" from blogging but it just ended up that way due to all the school word I had to do! Sorry, but Im back! And all I can think about is Spring Break and getting away (pretty sure I have a bad case of college senioritis). I am in such a desperate need of some sun and a tan. Happy Monday!

images via my pinterest


  1. I'm going to the beach in May and time could not be going any slower!!! All these pics are great motivation for me to get in shape for the beach. And I really want the T Shirt in the first pic!!! I wonder where it's from! xoxo elizabeth

  2. I'm on the same exact page. Took a little break and now craving some sun!

  3. I'm obsessed with that first picture!!!!

  4. Wouldn't that be nice! I could really use a little beach vaca! Maybe a blogger retreat by the sea : )

  5. can it please be summer. so fabulous. Thanks for sharing, love. If you get a sec, I'd love to here what you think of my latest trend report. xo

  6. I'm not in school and you just made me want to get away too. Good luck! I seriously can't imagine being in school with blogs and pinterest begging me to get distracted. I commend you!

  7. No, I'M in desperate need of a tan. God, I have like no trace of a tan line left. Ick.


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