

hello, summer, is that you?

Is it Summer here in LA? Because it sure feels like it. I almost want to go to the beach this weekend...or is it too soon? I really can't complain but I am not entirely sick of the cold just yet. This warm weather does have me dreaming of a tropical getaway. Oh well, at least its Friday! Happy weekend! 

images via my pinterest



  1. I have not liked the cold at all! Sooo happy it's warming up. I need warmth Lily, warmth!

    That top outfit is amazing!

  2. winter can't be over yet, right?

    it's definitely beach weather. take advantage of it.

  3. I would love a tropical vacation. I would take one at really any time.

    But we are finally having some cold weather here and I couldn't be happier about it.

    Tracy @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights


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