

back at it + blogshop

Wow...once again I did not have any intention of being away from the blog for this long but things got crazy around the holidays, I went out of town, came back, things are still crazy...blah blah blah! But I need to get back to this little blog and show it a lot more love. I had the pleasure of attending blogshop this weekend and can I just say it was absolutely amazing, Bri and Angela are beyond fabulous and I want to go back already! I am very inspired...look for some pretty changes here shortly! But for now, a few blogshop photos. Happy Monday!

images taken via iPhone



  1. So cool!! Glad you are back! xo

  2. i found out about blogshop too late. i'm hoping to attend their next LA sesh so i can prettify my blog as well. great to know that it's worth the inve$tment.

  3. Love the pics. Might have to check-out blogshop. Always new things to learn. Have an amazing week!


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